Workmen for Christ

Isn't KJV Onlyism a Cult?
Don't KJV Only people worship the Bible?
Aren't KJV Only people highminded, thinking "their Bible" is better than all others'?
Isn't it a hateful belief?

Questions About "KJV Onlyism" . . .

I am sure there are many questions concerning the term "KJV Onlyism." Some have asked such questions, and have decided they already know the answers to those questions.

First off, I really do not like the name "KJV Onlyism" used to describe a person who believes the only True and Infallible Word of God in English today is the King James Version. I really do dislike it and hardly ever will you hear me call myself by that. This is because it brings up such negative connotations, the very moment it is heard, and I use the term reluctantly. In fact, it brings up worse thoughts than those thoughts of one who doesn't believe in the Word of God, or worse yet one who has pagan beliefs. Sadly those ill thoughts are produced by many fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. But I want to clarify some matters concerning supposed "KJV Onlyism" by answering some questions that may come be on your mind.

Isn't KJV Onlyism a Cult?

No, most certainly it is no cult. However, this is probably the most common assault against "KJV Onlyism." In fact, if you do a search on google, you will find "KJV Onlyism" and "Cult" together in most sentences in the list of websites! Either that or it is called a "Movement." However, it is neither. Let me quote from the book The Answer Book by Samuel Gipp.

Cults are somewhat difficult to define, although there are two outstanding characteristics evident in all cults.

First, a cult has a central body that makes decisions for all of its disciples. Most King James Bible believers are fiercely independent and many times disagree about other doctrines, even with one another. Their only central authority is the Bible, not a college or university.

Secondly, most cults fear that their disciples will investigate their opposition's beliefs and then be converted by the truth. Therefore they make strict rules disallowing books and materials that disagree with their doctrine.

Again, since the facts support the Authorized Version, King James Bible believers are not afraid to study the charges of their critics.1
(Emphasis is the Author's)

I agree, our only authority is the Word of God, and most definitely, I for one even ask all those who read what is on this website, to do research yourself as well. This way, you cannot have it said to you that you are only following and repeating what you heard. This way, you can firmly know the Truth, because you have researched it yourself. (The only thing I do ask is that you research deeply, because people do lie very often. And pray before you do research.)

Don't KJV Only people worship the Bible?

Actually, this is brought against all those who simply believe we have a perfect Bible today, and that the Bible is the Perfect, Inspired Word of God. It isn't brought only against those who believe the KJV is the only perfect Word of God in the English language today. To answer the question, most certainly we who uphold the Bible, don't worship the Bible. Rather we worship the One who gave us the Bible. We don't worship words written down with ink on paper, we worship the One to whom those words belong, the One who spoke those Words. We do uphold the Bible though, higher than other books, because we know it to be the Very Words of God, and therefore special and needing to be adhered accordingly.

Aren't KJV Only people highminded, thinking "their Bible" is better than all others'?

Again, the answer is no. The KJV isn't "our Bible" it is God's Word, meant for the entire World. Can we lay personal claim on a book that is meant for the Entire world? No. Therefore, there's nothing to be "highminded" about! I can't speak for every single soul who is deemed a "KJV Only" person, but personally, I, and all other believers, am just like the rest of the Body of Christ. We are called, given grace, blessed with gifts, all according to what God knows is best. Nothing is by merit in the body of Christ, but by the Grace of God!

Isn't it a hateful belief?

Definitely not, quite the opposite actually. The only things hated, are the lies and deception done by those who try to deceive the Body of Christ into "eating" the Word of God which has been "poisoned." Even then, those who do the lying and deceiving, are not hated. Just the lies and deception themselves! In fact, we only speak what we know, to the rest of the members of the Body, because we love them enough to try to warn them of something that can and will harm them Spiritually. If we didn't love others, we would keep what we know to ourselves, so that we alone are helped. We wouldn't risk losing a friend, or family member, or fellowship with another brother or sister, just to spread "our belief." Rather we spread the Truth, because we love others enough to give them a chance to know the Truth. I know some have seemed hateful in their words, and even a few have been hateful in their words. But in truth, some are just so eager and fervent that they appear loud and hateful. And those who are indeed hateful, should be rebuked lovingly and reminded the Truth should (uncompromisingly) be shown in meekness and in love.


1.  Gipp, Dr. Samuel C., The Answer Book. Copyright 1989, as published online by Chick Publications at <>